What’s the one thing that people could do that would save more animals’ live every year more than anything else? Microchip identification.

More animals die in animal shelters each year based on being unidentified strays than for any other reason. Fundamentally, any animal that enters a shelter as a stray and doesn’t get back into its owner’s arms swiftly is at huge risk. No matter the reason it is ultimately killed – lack of space, illness, behavior – the original cause is that it didn’t go home.

Dogs are far more likely to be reclaimed as stray by their owners for two reasons:

  1. They are more likely to wear a collar with some form of ID or license.
  2. When your dog runs off, you are more likely to call the local shelter or police soon after.

Even with these two factors, shelters are lucky to have 20% of stray dogs claimed by their owners. So only 1 in 5 of the hundreds and thousands of stray dogs being picked up in Berks County each year get back to an original owner.

For cats it is even worse, with a typical owner claim rate of 1-2%. That’s because cats rarely have collars and ID (the old “I don’t want my cat strangled on a collar” line is darling, since apparently people would rather their cats die in an animal shelter) and because people tend to think a cat can wander off for a day or two, or seven, before calling a shelter or local police. In that time a stray cat has likely already faced death or been adopted in a shelter.

But cats and dogs who have identification have completely the opposite outcome, with 90% or more getting returned to owners. The simple act of giving your pet ID could save its life and save the lives of other animals in a shelter by not taking up precious space for days or weeks as an unidentified stray.

There is no easier way to identify your pet than with a tiny, safe, cheap microchip implanted under its skin and registering that chip with a national database. It can’t lose a chip like it can a collar. Every shelter and most police departments now have universal scanners. Most microchips come with free registration of your name and address. All vets and most shelters offer microchipping services.

Universal microchipping could save the lives of hundreds of thousands of pets each year in American shelters. Humane Pennsylvania thinks it is the single most important thing you can do to avoid preventable death of your pet. That’s why we incorporated it into our groundbreaking Healthy Pets, Healthy Lives initiative as a cornerstone of the program. It’s why we microchip every pet adopted from us.

In fact, we think it’s so important we have made it free to all. This month, Humane Pennsylvania and our animal hospitals started providing all clients’ pets with free registered microchips. Zero charge.

All vet clients will be offered a free chip during a regularly scheduled exam, treatment or surgery. Any client utilizing our newly expanded ultra-low cost sterilization services gets a free chip during surgery. At any of our Healthy Pets, Healthy Lives community clinics, microchips will be offered to all for no charge. When our new Berks County shelter is built and operating, we will be working on a program to allow for walk-ins to receive on demand microchip services.

Our goal is to implant an additional 20,000 microchips in Berks County pets (as part of our recent Giorgi Family Grant) in the next three years, with the greater goal of ensuring that 100% of Berks and Lancaster County eventually have microchip identification.

We project that increased microchipping will result in fewer strays lingering in shelters because their owners can be identified. The closer to universal we can get adoptions of this type of ID, the fewer and fewer the number of unclaimed strays will be. That will free up space for truly homeless animals. It will decrease the burden on animal control agencies. It will decrease costs for municipal and state governments.

And it will save lives. Lots and lots of lives.


Cats: A Working Solution

October 3rd, 2018 | Posted by KMdirector2* in Uncategorized - (Comments Off on Cats: A Working Solution)

While outcomes have improved dramatically for dogs over the past two decades in animal shelters across the country, there is still a crisis facing cats.  Kittens have great outcomes in our region.  Healthy, happy adult cats have pretty good outcomes in our region.  But adult cats with behavioral issues and feral cats still face nearly universal death in shelters.

Humane Pennsylvania has been attacking this life and death crisis for over 15 years. In the coming weeks we are going to be rolling out very major public expansions of two of our long running programs: Humane Pennsylvania’s Free Roaming Cat Solutions and Working Cat program.  Today I want to share our expanded Working Cat program.

Working Cat – Alternative Placement Program

Working Cats are cats which can’t successfully be placed in a traditional home adoption setting but are candidates for non-traditional placements.  These cats may have behavioral challenges such as having limited socialization (but not being “fully” feral) or have litter box issues.  They are often wonderful cats that just don’t particularly dig being hugged, or dig using the litter box as appropriate.

As a result, their chances of being adopted are virtually zero.  Blunt reality: adopters don’t choose cats which will hide in a closet their entire lives and refuse to be petted, nor will they pick a cat which doesn’t use a litter box.  We can’t blame people for making a choice to adopt a cat without these issues.  With unlimited time and space, we might even be able to rehabilitate many of these cats in our shelter.

But we don’t have unlimited time and space.

That means these cats are almost certainly going to be euthanized in our shelter or some other shelter.  But there is an alternative to death and that’s an alternative placement.


Humane Pennsylvania has been partnering with businesses, commercial greenhouses, families with barns, and other locations where cats like this can have an alternative housing placement.  These are places where they will be given shelter, supervised, fed, and provided with regular vaccinations and medical care as needed.  It just isn’t in a traditional home setting.

These cats provide service in return:

  • First, they are often loving pets, if sometimes from a bit of a distance.
  • Second, they often help businesses and homeowners control rodent populations.  Hence the “Working Cat” moniker.

In the old days the philosophy of shelters was to kill these cats because of the potential they may face living largely outdoor lives.  Some shelters still have that philosophy.  Humane Pennsylvania has come to grips with a simple reality:  A cat can face certain death in a shelter, or it can go into an alternative placement and face a small chance of danger due to being outside.  If we could ask the cat, I think I know what the cat would choose.  If you ask our staff, I know what they choose.  We are here to save lives, not end them when we have a better alternative.

Working Cat alternative adoption placements is an alternative we’ve been practicing quietly for over a decade.  We have decided to stop being quiet about this lifesaving option.  In fact, we are looking for partners.

If you are interested in learning more about how your family or business can provide an alternative to death to one of these great cats, please reach out to our Life Saving Coordinator, Tawny Kissinger. She can fill you in on how the program works and how you can help us save more lives.  We often have healthy, sterilized, vaccinated cats who need your help.

This is not a program for feral and other free roaming cats.  We will shortly announce a dramatic expansion of our long running program to help these cats thanks to the amazing $3.1 million Giorgi Family Foundation Grant received by Humane Pennsylvania.  Stay tuned!

There are no silver bullets to solve the problems of animals in our community or shelter deaths.  These solutions require lots of bite sized approaches to help ever smaller groups of animals which were once deemed unsaveable by animal shelters.  That includes our working cats.

I once heard that a journey to save a thousand lives starts by saving one.  Or something like that.  No wait.  I think it was in a fortune cookie.  Either way, it’s true.


A Manifesto

September 24th, 2018 | Posted by KMdirector2* in Uncategorized - (2 Comments)

Karel Minor, Humane Pennsylvania CEO

Last week I gave you a thesis. A thesis comes from the head. You need to plan from the head or you don’t get things accomplished. But you need to be driven from the heart or what you get accomplished is meaningless. At the Walk for the Animals & Walktoberfest earlier this month I got a bit whipped up in my welcoming remarks about what we are doing with our new funding and service partners. It felt a bit like a manifesto. Manifestos come from the heart. Sometimes you need to actually write out what you actually feel, not just what you think.


A Manifesto:

American shelters are Death Machines.

For a century animal shelters killed millions and no one cared. For decades animal shelters killed millions and told us it was inevitable. For years animal shelters killed millions of animals and told us it was our fault. Now animal shelters kill millions of animals and tell us they are not killing them because they only kill 10% or less. The No Kill of 10% is 100% death for the animals in that 10%.

No Kill is a lie shelters tell themselves and we tell you. We pretend that if we save 9 out of 10, we save them all. Simple math shows this is a lie.

Animal shelters focus on death. Bad animal shelters kill. Good animal shelters are good because they kill less. Good is better than bad, but it is not good enough.

Would we brag that we send our children to be educated in a No Kill school? That we work at a No Kill job? That we worship in a No Kill church? Do we shop at No Kill grocery stores? Do we count ourselves lucky to walk out of our school, job, church, or grocery store alive? In what other part of our lives do we sing the praises of merely walking out alive?

Not dying is not the pinnacle of achievement, it is the base line expectation. Yet we pat ourselves on the back for only killing 1 in 10. We pat ourselves on the back for supporting organizations that only kill 1 in 10.

We sing our own praises that we offer the humane alternative of death in exchange for life. Why is the binary choice life or death for animals who are not dying?

  • The alternative to hunger is not death
  • The alternative to suffering is not death
  • The alternative to homelessness is not death
  • The alternative to illness is not death

The alternative to hunger is food. The alternative to suffering is succor. The alternative to homelessness is a home. The alternative to illness is health. The alternative to death is life.

In all lives, death is inevitable. Sometimes it is the best choice to relieve profound illness or suffering. It is not always the only choice. It is never the right choice just because there are no alternatives at hand. Then it may be a choice but it doesn’t make it the right choice. Even if it is the choice only 1 time out of 10.

People and animals have rights. They have the right to food. They have the right to a safe shelter. They have a right to be free of fear and pain. They have a right to be made healthy when they are sick. They have a right to being treated with respect and dignity, even if they can’t access or even articulate these rights.

American animal shelters steal these rights from animals when they steal their lives in the name of welfare. Even when it’s only 10% of the time. They steal these rights when they warehouse, stack, cage, and hide animals away and declare it to be a life. A life in a shelter is not the life intended for animals. Being a caged animal is not the alternative to death. Life in a home is the alternative.

Humane Pennsylvania will not be a place of death, it will be a place of life. It will not be a place of hunger, suffering, pain, fear, perpetual jail, or indignity. It will be a place of life.

When death is the right choice for an animal, it will not be a place of disrespect for life or truth. Humane Pennsylvania will not lie and tell the world that death is not death because we have a new term for it. We will be a new organization. We believe in life and we repudiate death.

Death is death. Life is life. Humane Pennsylvania chooses life. Choose life with us.



Whew! I sure glad I got that off my chest! I think I’m going to cancel my haircut and hang out my freak flag now. Or, I’ll just get right back to work marrying our Manifesto with our Thesis, and save some more animals.


Karel Minor, Humane Pennsylvania CEO

A Thesis

For over 100 year the animal welfare community has been approaching animal welfare as if it was the disease itself, and not merely a symptom of something else.  It wouldn’t be the first time people have done that. Ulcers were thought to be caused by stress by the entire medical community until they were proved mostly be caused by the Helicobacter bacteria.  A similar misdiagnosis was made for cervical cancer, which is now recognized to be overwhelmingly the result of an Human Papillomavirus infection. 

What if we’ve been similarly misdiagnosing animal cruelty?  Humane Pennsylvania (HPA) believes this is now largely the case.  We think that the cures for the underlying causes of much of the animal cruelty and suffering we see have already been discovered.  In fact, much of the cure has been utilized, but without a clear understanding of how the cure should be applied, what the proper dose may be, and what the curative mechanism is.

Humane Pennsylvania, with the help of The Giorgi Family Foundation and its staggering $3.1 million dollar gift to HPA, is intend to change that. The Healthy Pets, Healthy Lives initiative is the vehicle by which HPA will test a new thesis on how we can end nearly all companion animal suffering in our community.

For over a decade HPA has worked to change the approach to saving animals and we’ve danced around three core ideas…

  1. That animals are not the problem to be solved, it’s the problems of animals which need to be solved.
  2. People aren’t the problem, they are often as much victims of the problems facing animals as the animals themselves.
  3. And most importantly, there is solution.

This final statement is important because for over a century, even as recently as 26 years ago when I started professionally in animal welfare, the assumption was that the problems facing animals were insurmountable and broadly untreatable.

Humane Pennsylvania has been developing a model of attacking animal suffering as a disease, one with underlying causes we could address and overcome.  We’ve compared it to fighting a Polio or a Typhoid outbreak.  Our newest approaches have been modeled in community and world health interventions.  These approaches have been effective, but not fully curative.  That’s because we didn’t quite have it right.  Animal suffering isn’t usually a disease like Polio or Typhoid.  It’s more akin to lung cancer or diabetes.  It is a disease which presents as an acute illness but is the result of a constellation of underlying factors, factors which are often controllable.

Some people spontaneously present with lung cancer or type 2 diabetes.  Nothing they have done or no way they have lived can explain why they got the disease.  But we also know that 80%-90% of lung cancer is related to smoking.  Lung cancer is very definitely a disease, but in 9 out of 10 cases the real “disease” is smoking cigarettes.  Just as most type 2 diabetes is the result of issues in diet, weight, and exercise, factors which can be changed and negative impacts can be reversed.

So, too, is the case with most companion animal suffering.  A small number are truly out of the blue, acute cruelty issues.  It is hard to plan for a budding psychopath torturing his first dog.  But most cases of animal suffering are not the result of things that are out of our community control.  Most animal suffering is more akin to the slow progression to type 2 diabetes as a result of a build-up of the negative impacts of lifestyle, until one day the person is diabetic.  Worse, like the “choice” to smoke, “choices” made for animals lead to acute danger for animals when they face life and death in a shelter or on the streets because of the actions of their caretaker.

What if we could offset these dangers to animals based on the choices and actions of people?  Could we wipe out the life threatening animal welfare equivalent of diabetes or cancer by changing how people choose to live with and care for their animals?  Yes, we can.  Not the way animal shelters have been trying to do it for years, but we can.

Circles of Control and Limits of Capability

For years, animal shelters have been trying to make people do things out of our control.  You should love your dog.  You should keep your cat inside.  You should adopt, sterilize your pet, feed them well, see a veterinarian, you should, should, should…. For people who were naturally inclined, this message took, and to great effect.  Death in our shelters is down 80% in the past 40 years.  Sometimes it took because the message resonated and sometimes because people just opted for the best path.  Why do these messages and the cajoling we do work with some people and populations and not with others?  Why do some people “choose” to care for their pets properly and others care for them in such a way that their animals end up languishing or dying in shelters?

For the same reason some people still get diabetes, or lung cancer, or become addicts, despite all the messaging out there telling them not to smoke, be sedentary, or take drugs.  Simply telling someone what they should or shouldn’t do isn’t enough to change behavior, even behavior that may prove profoundly dangerous or damaging.  Chronic disease or behaviorally caused acute disease can’t be lectured into remission.  Treatment is needed.

Humane Pennsylvania believes that the animals entering shelters overwhelmingly do so because the humans they are attached to lack one or more of the following:

  • Caretakers lack genuine knowledge or skills required to prevent animal suffering.
  • Caretakers lack ready access to (or skills to access) better alternatives or resources to prevent animal suffering.
  • Caretakers lack the positive habituation required to prevent animal suffering.

Why are these three points significant and what can they tell us about how to achieve rapid positive impacts?

First, many people lack the skills or knowledge required to properly care for a pet.  This is not necessarily willful ignorance but can be a factor of socioeconomic factors.  At Humane Pennsylvania’s veterinary hospitals we routinely treat the pets of people who do not have the experience many others do when it comes to navigating the animal healthcare network, let alone a clear understanding of exactly why successfully navigating that pet healthcare network is fundamentally good for animals.  Let’s focus on just the veterinary piece of the puzzle.

Often these are people are at an educational or economic strata that has resulted in being ill equipped and inexperienced.  Many of these people use the emergency room as their primary care health provider.  They use school resources or the local free clinic as their pediatric resources.  They’ve never experienced what so many take for granted, such as a long-term relationship with any healthcare provider, at a well-staffed and equipped office, and receiving reminder cards and texts.  Let alone a modicum of respect.  If people haven’t experienced this in their own family’s healthcare, why would we think they’d have experienced it with their pets?  This lack of basic skills acquisition is a major hurdle for many, who do not even know what they don’t know about caring for a pet.

Second, let’s assume that our lecturing has worked and these folks who lack skills try to access resources.  Where will they find them?  Will they be able to afford them?  Poverty is an enormous barrier to providing proper care to a pet.  Simple distance and transportation is often enough to prove an insurmountable barrier.  The City of Reading has about 90,000 people and it had only one veterinary hospital until HPA opened its hospital.  By comparison, the rest of Berks County is home to no fewer than 20 veterinary practices for the remaining 320,000 odd people in Berks.  That’s a one vet to 45,000 people in the Reading City and one vet to 16,000 people or less everywhere else.  Some people simply have less access to good veterinary resources and all of the benefits they bring.  Even those who do may not have the financial resources to afford the level and quality of care you and I may take for granted.  That results in delayed care, sub-standard care, or potentially no care provided by even some of those who have the knowledge and skills to seek proper care out.

Finally, good choices must become habitual. Cognitive behavioral changes are crucial. For the same reason people don’t keep New Year’s resolutions, it’s easy to not remember to take your pet to the vet every year.  That’s why we get reminders.  I’d never remember to go to the dentist let alone the vet if it wasn’t for text and mail reminders.  But what if you move around a lot because you’re poor and reminder cards can’t reach you? What if you don’t use “regular” services that even provide these reminders because they are inconsistently offered?  You never build up that habit, that “muscle memory.”

If we want at risk communities to have those good habits, we need to be the people to help create them.  We can’t fault people for not knowing what they need to do, how to do it, and then complain they don’t figure it out on their own.  We need to not just educate them (we’ve been doing that for decades), not just provide generic access (we’ve been doing that for years), we need to actually help them to put that knowledge to use, in the places where it will help their pet, in a way that will stick, be repeated, become a generational expectation and habit.  Does that mean reminding people to show up more than you or I might need?  Yes.  Does that mean driving some people to their appointments?  Maybe.  Does it mean possibly even bribing people to show up with incentives?  Possibly.

And before anyone gets all high and mighty about helping bad pet owners:  We aren’t helping them, we are helping their pets.  Come to grips with that.  If you don’t like people but you like animals you still need to work with the people.

Now, I just came at this from the angle of basic veterinary healthcare.  Extend this to proper nutrition, behavioral counseling and training, general good care and husbandry, or what to do in emergencies.  There are so many things that so many people don’t know how to do, don’t know how to access, and don’t have good habits for doing.  We intend to try a new approach to change all that.

Same Pieces, Different Puzzle

Just as the causes of diseases have sometimes gone undiagnosed, sometimes the treatments for them go unrecognized.  Sometimes these treatments were used for some other disease or in some other way but it turns out to be useful in new and novel ways.  This is often the case for cancer or anti-viral drugs, which may be effective in treating new diseases or are even more effective against old ones when used in combination or in different doses.

That’s what we are doing in our Healthy Pets, Healthy Lives initiative.  The pieces are very familiar.  But we’ve recognized the puzzle has changes.  So, what are the pieces of the puzzle?

  • Pet sterilizations services to 100% of community need.
  • Pet vaccination services to 100% of community need.
  • Identification microchipping services to 100% of community need.
  • Pet food insecurity program expansion to 100% of community need.
  • Emergency/disaster response and sheltering capability for 1,000 animals at a time.
  • Detailed and expansive data collection (complete pet and needs census).

These may all sound familiar.  That’s because they are.  The difference is the scope, scale, timing, and duration.  HPA has identified a specific population to serve – Reading and Reading adjacent municipalities – to provide a focus of services.  We are targeting and leveling the services – delivering differentiated services to the financially capable, the financially at risk, and the financially destitute – to deliver the right services in the right way to suit the needs of specific populations.  And we have picked a time frame to deliver these services.  This duration aspect is critical.

We seek to achieve this service delivery in just three years.  We want the biggest bang for the buck and to deliver all these needed services all at once in a short time span.  To follow the disease model, we are seeking to identify those suffering and deliver treatment, identify those as risk and deliver inoculation against disease, and to identify and combat any outbreaks as the happen.  Whose animals are suffering now, whose animals are at risk for suffering, and whose animals might begin to suffer?  By attempting to reach 100% of the need in a short span, we can then ramp down the need for ongoing high level efforts and costs.

We picked this above list of services because we think these are the key services which will drastically cut the number of animals entering shelters for preventable reasons, or allow animals to leave shelters faster.  Our hope is a 50% decrease in intake from the service area.  This reduction has been targeted because we know a 50% reduction allows shelters to suddenly make huge strides in life saving because they are no longer constrained by space and time to help the neediest of the truly homeless pets.  Reaching this goal community wide – we’ve already done in in our own shelters – is what leads to reaching no kill community save rates of 90% or better. 

We also picked these services because they are largely veterinary based and we know, and research shows, that veterinary interventions and relationships are among the single biggest positive factors in a pet’s life and are most likely to keep them out of shelters as either surrenders or strays.  There is a great deal of planning, thought, and research that went into this list and I’ve already gone on too long in this post to address them each now.  However, in future posts I will be returning to each one to provide detailed explanations for why we believe these are the keys to successful implementation and outcomes of this initiative.  And why we are betting $3 million dollars on this approach.

In A Nutshell

After 2,300 words, I’ll put this in a nutshell and give you the elevator speech (the explanation you can share with someone in the amount of time it takes you to ride with them in an elevator).

Animal shelters have done a lot in the last 50 years but we still have animals dying in shelters and suffering in our communities.  We think that the right combination of existing approaches, used in new ways, scope, and scale can change that and make a big enough change that any community can reach true no kill lifesaving outcomes in an extremely short period of time.  We are spending $3 million dollars in three years to deliver targeted services; spay/neuter, vaccination, microchipping, and pet food supports to people and pets who need it, to 100% of community need.  We believe that this will decrease shelter intake from the target community by 50% and that will allow save rates in our local shelters to sky rocket.  Berks County will become a no kill county, not because we get them all adopted, but because we keep most pets from ever entering a shelter in the first place. Berks will become the first No Suffering County.*

Will it work?  Beats me, but we really think it will and we are basing that optimism on data, research, and experience.  The Giorgi Family Foundation, and many other lead donors on this project have enough confidence in our vision and plan to support it with their hard earned money.  Hundreds of staff and volunteers trust it enough to give us their valuable time and talent. I hope you will consider giving us some of each.

This is the start of the effort and the conversation. Be a part of it and be a part of our attempt to achieve something new and wonderful.  And save lots and lots of animals from needless suffering and death.

*P.S.  Lancaster County, don’t feel left out! Many of the models that the Giorgi Grant will help create will be rolled out in Lancaster for pets and people there, too.  Of course, what we need is some visionary donor leadership in Lancaster County like the Giorgi’s provided in Berks.  If you’re that visionary donor, call me….


An Inside Look into the Impact of Fostering

July 17th, 2018 | Posted by KMdirector2* in Uncategorized - (Comments Off on An Inside Look into the Impact of Fostering)

By Tawny Kissinger | Lifesaving Programs Coordinator at Humane Pennsylvania

We love our foster care volunteers and it is because of their compassion, kindness, and patience that our Foster Care Program continues to thrive. However, we are always looking for new foster families to become involved!

Foster families provide a lifesaving second chance to animals in need and foster animals range from; puppies and kittens too young to go up for adoption, animals recovering from surgery, those who find the shelter environment difficult to adjust to, etc. and include cats, dogs, and small animals.

The summer months bring about an increased need for fostering, so we sat down with Tawny Kissinger, Lifesaving Programs Coordinator at Humane Pennsylvania, to learn more about how foster families provide valuable care to foster pets throughout our community.

HPA: For those who are not familiar with the program, what is the Foster Care Program?

TK: The Foster Care Program facilities animal care as they transition from the shelter to stay in a person’s home. This length of stay varies depending on the reason for fostering. Animals are placed in foster care for a variety of reasons, which include…

  1. An animal has an extreme medical condition that prevents us from placing them up for adoption at that specific time.
  2. They are too small to receive spay or neuter surgery.
  3. An animal needs socialization.
  4. They need time to decompress, outside of the shelter environment.

HPA: Why is this a significant program for our organization?

TK: Without the Foster Care Program the shelter would become over crowded. This would cause one of two outcomes…

  1. Animals would be euthanized due to overcrowding or…
  2. We would not be able to accept animals that are in need.

During the summer months foster care is most needed. We see tons of kittens come into our shelters that are too small to receive spay or neuter surgery. Without the care of foster families and individuals in our foster care program, a majority of these kittens would not be properly cared for.

HPA: Who benefits from this program?

TK: Both animals and people benefit greatly from our Foster Care Program! Foster parents see the direct impact they have on the pets in their care – as they help us save animal’s lives.

Studies show that animals that go into foster care have a higher chance of being adopted. The animals are in a less stressful environment and typically show their true colors. The Foster Care Program also benefits adopters. Adopters are provided with a greater understanding of how their new pet will adapt to living in a home setting.

HPA: What is the goal of the program?

TK: The ultimate goal of our Foster Care Program is to save animals lives and help them be happier, healthier pets.

HPA: How can people get involved with the program?

TK: Fostering is easy! If someone is interested in fostering they can start by filling out the Foster Volunteer Application. Or they can stop by either The Humane League of Lancaster County or The Humane Society of Berks County shelter locations to complete the foster volunteer application.

As an organization we are continuing to improve our Foster Care Program. I would love to see more and more animals transition into foster homes. This type of focused care greatly helps animals that are stressed or are experiencing anxiety within the shelter environment.

Right now, our foster program is concentrated on kittens that are under age, however, I would love to see more adult animals receive foster care. So far this year, we have transitioned about 240 animals in to foster care from both shelters.

This is a great success, however, we are always looking to grow our Foster Care Program and connect new foster parents with animals in need of their special kind of TLC.

To learn more about our Foster Care Program and ways you can get involved, visit the Foster Care page of our website or contact Tawny Kissinger, [email protected] or in Berks County call, 610-921-2348 ext. 218, or in Lancaster County call, 717-393-6551 ext. 240.
